Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Bad Blogger

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted. We stay busy busy busy! Here's what's been going on. Flint and Maddie went to the Fall Festival at our church Sunday. Maddie was a clown which happens to be the same clown costume I wore when I was 3. My precious grandmother made it for me. Flint is a Army Man. He loves this costume and plays in it all the time at home. Today at school Maddie dressed up as little Miss Muffet because they had to be a character from a nursery rhyme.

The picture of Kearby and Maddie is from the day Maddie walked in our room and handed Kearby some make-up and said "Daddy make me look like a princess." So I must say he did a great job putting make-up on.

Flint has lost both of his front top teeth. He really will be asking for his 2 front teeth for Christmas. He is doing great in 1st grade and reading so well. He is a great student and very much of a perfectionist when it comes to his school work.

Mary Claire is growing so fast. She will be 4 months old tomorrow and is sleeping 12 and 13 hours at night. All 3 of my babies have been good but she is the best of all.

Things are going great at the Herrington's house and we give God all the glory!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those are great pics. I love the one of Maddie and Kearby :) What I really want to know is where can *I get a baby that sleeps like that!??!?!? Mine aren't wired that way.