Sunday, March 2, 2008

My Sweet Mary Claire

Just wanted to update you on our sweet baby girl. Mary Claire turned 8 months old yesterday. She has had a very eventful week. On Monday I decided to start trying to wean her. I have been supplementing with formula for a couple of months now. On Wednesday she got a terrible stomach flu and wasn't eating much anyway. She started running fever Thursday and has terrible cold now. She was so pitiful because she felt so bad and she is typically a very happy baby. I had to explain to Maddie not to kiss her because she was so sick and Maddie said "can I just kiss her on the toes". After 8 months Maddie still cannot keep her hands off her. The weaning is going good she is down to only nursing once a day. She is crawling everywhere and starting to sit up on her own. She is pure joy!

1 comment:

Juli said...

Oh, she's so cute, Jennifer! I'm happy to see all of the updates!
We're going to build in a little town called Willis, it's about 5-10 miles north of our house now. It's MUCH smaller, which is good for me!